It has been quite some time since I first designed my first model, I initially made all the models by hand to later make molds of all their parts to produce the resin kits.
Nowadays, the 3D printing technlogy has advanced a lot, to me there has been 3 transitions in terms of quality and detail since I started.
I am currently on the third transition which is probably the one to stay for a long time. Starting with LCD printers, then moving onto Mono screen, with time it was possible to print more detailed (from LCD to Mono screen change) to also smoother and even with more detail as it can be done these days.
For this reason I took the important decision to discontinue most of the articles in the catalog that were printed with the early Mono screen printers, with this change, remodeling of each article was necessary.
Another reason is that I have gathered more 3D modeling experience and I also wanted to take this chance to create the items also for other major civil aircraft scales like 1/200 and 1/72 besides the 1/144 scale.
There is however the possibility, in the meantime I update the items, to get these "older" articles which are no longer available. There are however some limitations since certain models I cannot longer produce due a part or parts of them were resin casted and those molds were discarded.
I can still produce (depending on the workload):
The 1/144 figure sets, 1/144 tow trucks (F59, F110, F210), 1/144 towbars, 1/144 stairs truck TLD ABS 1740, and the Sherpa D tow tractor.
Please contact me for more information at my email, only serious inquiries please:
The preparation times may be shorter depending on the items ordered and the workload.
Though it is going to be hard to be back to the number of articles I had, I am doing my best to bring them in other scales and with improvements and more detail, please to support my work if you like what I do.
Best wishes,
Guillem - Rocast Models