Finally success with the B787 windows
Hello everyone, It has been weeks of a lot of work with the B787 and I finally managed to find a solution for the windows of the passenger doors.In my previous entry I was commenting …
Hello everyone, It has been weeks of a lot of work with the B787 and I finally managed to find a solution for the windows of the passenger doors.In my previous entry I was commenting …
Hello everyone, Today I am bringing several updates for the ongoing projects as well as a couple new ones. B787 Project:After solving the issue to make the transparent doors, I can confirm that there is …
Hello everyone, I am sharing another update today with the progress on my example model for the B787 interior sets. It seems like little has been done, but there has been a lot done, the …
Hello everyone, While I am progressing with the final molds of the B787, I wanted to share some more info regarding the GSE models. As mentioned in previous updates, I am revising the GSE models …
Hello everyone, I have been doing more progress on the B787 project, I have finished the work of the galleys for my example/test model and I am also currently at the very last stage on …
Hello everyone, As the 787 project is moving forward, I wanted to give some more updates. I can finally confirm 100% that the transparent windshields are a reality despite having been able to make one …