B787 / B747 Important update
Hello everyone, I am finally able to provide with an update for the current projects.I must say, I have been working on a remodel of the 787 due a several number of reasons which I …
Hello everyone, I am finally able to provide with an update for the current projects.I must say, I have been working on a remodel of the 787 due a several number of reasons which I …
Hello everyone, It has been quite a while since my last update, I wanted to take a couple weeks off trying to improve my workplace health and production-wise.You may not know this, but when you …
Hello everyone,Today I am writing the last update of the three in which I will comment on the ongoing projects as well as officially announce that the second batch of the B787 Full set will …
Hello everyone,In this second update, I want to share another of the items that will be available on Friday 30th. The 1/72 scale scimitars and winglets for the B737NG in 1/72 scale.The set features the …
Hello everyone,Today I am writing the first of three updates that I have planned for the next days, tomorrow I will write another one and on Thursday the last one for this week, although maybe …
Hello everyone, As I am progressing forward with the current projects, I wanted to share the progress that has been done as well as the second batch status of the B787. I am mainly working …