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Hello everyone, I have been doing some progress over the weekend but unfortunately the progress has been finding some solutions to issues that I had with a couple things. For starters, the stairs truck modification …
Hello everyone, I have been doing some progress over the weekend but unfortunately the progress has been finding some solutions to issues that I had with a couple things. For starters, the stairs truck modification …
Dear all, I wanted to give a quick update on the different things that I am working on. Livery decals: I am progressing with the base artwork for the A320/A321/A320N/A321N details. I honestly thought it …
Dear all, I would like to start this entry by thanking you sincerely for the help that I received due my last entry about the livery decals. Thank you so much for taking the time …
*Update 11/09/2020 13:23 Dear all, I never thought that I would face a situation where finding a subcontractor would represent such an issue for the business. I am talking about decal printing companies. As you …
Hello everyone, First entry of September after the summer holidays, hopefully everybody is doing alright, now that we are leaving behind these hot days of summer, it is time to continue working hard. I would …
Hello everyone, This will be my last entry till I am back in September, as I mentioned earlier, I want to take some days off, I will continue to ship orders as usual and continue …