B787 tail surfaces, progress and GSE bonus
Hello everyone, In the update today I will share the progress that is being done with the 787 as well as some GSE news.First off I want to apologize for the delay in giving news …
Hello everyone, In the update today I will share the progress that is being done with the 787 as well as some GSE news.First off I want to apologize for the delay in giving news …
Hello everyone, I have been working on a new set of figures in the three scales, 1/72, 1/144 and 1/200. There are actually two figures that need some fine tuning but after this initial test, …
Hello everyone, Recent progress with the B787 project that I can finally share, the fuselages have finally been completed and ready to be used as master parts for the subsequent molding work. The project is …
Hello all, This will probably be the last entry of the year and I wanted to dedicate it to wish everyone a very happy time with your loved ones, to enjoy our beloved hobby and …
Hello everyone, In today’s update I want to share the progress being done with the Dreamliner.Making the three fuselages took/is taking me quite some time, it is six halves that need to be prepared and …
Hello everyone,This weekend I have completed an initial test for the B787 tail section. The result with the fitting was positive, even though with this test I was able to spot a flaw in my …