Hello everyone,
The last couple weeks have been very busy with a lot of work, and these are still quite complex times, times of uncertainty but also times with hopes and projects to look forward to.
I am somewhat fortunate to have been able to make most of the stock and new units just a bit before my printer decided to not work properly anymore. I don’t want to extend this post and get into complex details but, if someone tells you that 3D printing is easy, that is because they have never done something tiny (and I mean, really tiny) on a regular basis, you can get excellent results 99% of the time, but, when there is a problem, be prepared to spend a lot of time trying to figure things out.
Currently I print only with one printer, while I have been troubleshooting the other one for a week, spending (wasting) quite a good amount of materials, it can get very frustrating, but at last, I am closer to finding the solution.
I certainly need to extend my equipment (especially for some parts), not because they no longer perform as I need or produce tiny details, but because technology advances and certain things are easier/more reliable for the end user. In the end, you want to get to production in the most efficient way from the get go.
I have redone all the box covers for the different articles, it took me quite some time to bring files from the older software into the new one, prepare the cutting files etc.
All the instructions have been rearranged, they are now a bit larger and some corrections have been done.
New boxes for the articles were designed and cut, so the process is quite “self-made”. I design my own boxes, I cut them one or two at a time, and from there I move to the packaging stage. But that is something that is not bothersome if you love doing what you do.
For example, the boxes I used for the antenna set or figures (the thin longer box) is now redesigned and the opening is frontal instead of one side, which allows for easy access to the contents and also it has a sturdier structure. All of them now feature a more solid lid closing.
Several molds were remade, for convenience and for ease of production as well as for own health.
The F396 units are all packaged, the new baggage carts are nearly packaged, the 1/72 is nearly packaged, so basically only a few bits are remaining to do, but as I say, it is a few bits here and a few bits there… Which always translates to time and lots of patience.
I recently made an improvement over the 1/72 F59, the chocks were redesigned with those anti slippery bands and the kit will include a nice little rope for the handles. A new thread was added for the airbox hose which is far more realistic than braided wire (which is a different thing).

Figures are being changed from being cut individually to being supported from their base. This is something I have done already for the B787 crew, short/medium haul flight crew and baggage ramp workers. Now the cargo loader personnel and the spotters at the ramp will be presented like this. I still have to do this modification to the passenger set.
I am also considering removing some items from the store. I am waiting to see what happens with Revell and their 787-9 and I am considering making other decisions in general regarding cargo holds. Is it something that the modeler needs? I need to evaluate better what the costs and gains are.
Now on the release date, I will be restocking and releasing the new items on November 11th, right now at this moment, with only one printer, that is all I can do, there are still things to do such as the restock of the A350/A320 sharklets and make photo etch for the 1/72 F59, but I will definitely be on time (if nothing bad happens, fingers crossed).
I need to regain the passion in modeling itself, my past “break” was pretty much nothing, although I was able to learn several techniques, I still have the desire to glue plastic parts, to see how something is being created and to finally see a new model completed. I can only say that I hope to be able to build in the future, as there is no time left for it at the moment.
I am sorry for not updating the store frontpage which in these times, I know people always expect something new when they enter a website, I am also sorry for not posting new videos over Youtube and for not sharing further progress with the ongoing projects so far The current releases and restock are taking me so much time and dedication, I am positive things will be better in the future.
Take good care everyone, I will be back here a bit before November 11th.
Best wishes,