1/144 TLD TF-10-FTC Transporter

Dear all,

I have not been able to find one of the materials needed for the PE process within my country this time, so I had to order it overseas. While I wait for this material to arrive and finish up finally all the stock units, I am working on some smaller stuff that I want to release as well on the same day.

I have been working on the TLD TF-10-FTC container transporter and I am currently also working on its driver figure.


There are also going to be newer stuff such as cargo operation figures specifically designed to be used with the Commander FMC15i which will make for a nice combination with this new transporter as well. I will also be making a new container but more news on that will be written in a few days, just to give a small hint, it is a very important container specially for these days.

I will also be releasing flight crew to be used for the B787 galleys and cockpit, Captain and First officer figures and I am also wondering if include a couple flight attendants in the set.


I am preparing everything for when the PE material arrives, because once it does I will continue with the stock and have it ready as soon as possible. In the meantime I am working on the last instructions remaining to do (or remake).
I will finally be working on a cargo loader next weekend and record the process which hopefully will be a good start for my future Youtube channel.

I am also going to be working on a change with the newsletter system because the one I am using currently is no longer working with my website version, but I can’t update my PHP because then it would be incompatible with my shop. So I will be working on a different method.


That is all for now, lots of stuff to do; there may not be many updates but there is a lot of work going on in order to restock those items soon.
Wish you all the best of health,