Current progress and upcoming projects

Hello all,

As you may know, I haven’t been able to update the site with news on the projects because I have been working on the stock units also on the weekends.

I not only have been working with these, but have dedicated quite a lot of time to design the first A350 decals after I made some for the A320 model as well as fine tune the new online store.
These are not a simple decal set; the decals include several details and we tried to include a new feature that I would really like to test on the A350.
I am hoping to receive the first A350 decals from Rob soon, and will do a review/tutorial with an “out of box” build to be used as a test/example with hopes for a good result on this new feature.

I do like airliners, so I also took my time to design profile views as detailed and realistic as possible. I grown fond of drawing profiles that later can be included in the instructions rather than just making simple plain illustration, so for me this will be a little different concept. In fact, in most cases, prior starting to design the decal artworks, I start with the profile to have a general view of the aircraft and have an idea of what decals need to be done.

The stock is currently at about 47% done, the most time consuming items have been done, thus from now on, the remaining items won’t take me that long to make.
The main reason why the online store is not open yet is because I wish to have at least most if not all items available, since it would make no sense to release an empty store.

I would like to take this chance as I am writing this post, to comment on what will be the current and upcoming projects that I would like to undertake.

– Boeing 747-8F – B747-400F cargo set:

As you have been able to read from the last couple entries, I plan to do a detailed set that will include a cargo deck compartment, the nose door and side cargo door for hopefully both, the 747-8F and 747-400F.
Although I have not “officially” started to work with it as I haven’t done any cutting yet, I did gather all the information I need to start and have been doing a plan, which is something I always do to schedule what to do and how to proceed.

The main issue will be the work on the deck floor, not because the floor itself but because Revell’s kit has the gap on the wing root and although the floor level is correct where the wing joins, the problem is the thickness of the plastic, thus if that is not fixed, the floor would not follow the level.
A litle complex thing to explain without any visual reference, but I will show this in later posts of the build progress.

– GSE items:

Charlette tug: Some time ago I was contacted on regards this particular tug, and after having made the MA50, I always wanted to make a new improved tug with more details. The Charlette tug will be one of the upcoming works as I was asked if I could do this in 1/144 scale and I currently have good references for this project.

Pushback tug GT-110: Most recently I have been mentioned about this pushback, and after a little research I found it is used for several airlines.
What attracts me to do this tug is that unlike the AST-1, this pushback makes use of a bar, and in some ways it is a smaller model.
It has always been on my plans to make a smaller pushback tug in the future, and since I have some references already, I am really excited to start this.
One of the goals I have for this pushback are the wheels; I want to improve the tire detail and would like to make the wheels to actually turn.

This project may also lead me to make separate decals of airline logos in different sizes in order to fit to any GSE model, something similar like I currently do for the LD3 containers. So in this way, anybody could have a ramp of a certain location with certain logos on these GSE vehicles.

Hydrant dispenser Meteor: As I have done in 1/200 scale (and yet to be re casted) I would like to do this model also in 1/144 scale. I will be making the “Meteor” platform type since I have good references of it, and use the Eurotruck cabin that it’s already included in the catering model.
The big goal for this would be to make it adaptable to any airliner wing, meaning that the nozzle/bridge will have to reach the wing height from a B737 to an A380.

Bigger cargo loader: The last GSE on the list I want to make is a bigger cargo loader. The purpose of this model is to make it suitable for the 747F cargo detail set, since the Commander FMC15i model cannot reach the required height as it also happens on the real versions.
In this case, I also want to take the chance and take what I’ve learned making the Commander model in order to make a better cargo loader, with as many details as I can and with a better sill system. I still have to consider wihch model to make and if I will be doing double sill system for the bridge or single sill.

These are all the upcoming GSE models I would like to make, but I also have in mind some others that I save for the future.
The list may be a bit long, but I will do one step at a time and focus all my efforts in each model.

Lastly, the 1/12 B737NG cockpit project is not abandoned by any means, I will be working with it as regularly as I can and will be making things by phases. Doing it this way will be the only way to keep things in order, since there is a lot to do, so if I do the MIP, I will be making the buttons of the MIP panel instead of doing the buttons of every panel.
One area or subjet at a time, taking every area as if it is one project.

That is all for now, as I am progressing with the stock units and the online store, I will inform of its opening at least two weeks beforehand, I am hoping that everything will really work out well, now it’s time to get back to work.

Best wishes,