Update 1 of 3

Hello everyone,
Today I am writing the first of three updates that I have planned for the next days, tomorrow I will write another one and on Thursday the last one for this week, although maybe during the weekend I may present something “new”.

I am finally able to say that the release of the second batch of the B787 full set is due to this Friday the 30th. It took me quite a while due the fact that I remade the fuselage with the three sections joined and that required a change in the packaging as well, but more info about this will be published on Thursday, I am also going to contact today those who purchased the first batch in case the new fuselage is required, now that I can finally calculate shipping rates.

In today’s update I want to share two new items that will also be available on Friday the 30th. I will be releasing these towbars for the B737NG 600 thru 900, MAX 7/8/9/10 in both, 1/144 and 1/72 scales. I will be working on the 1/200 version prior I move forward with other models, which there will be, for other aircraft. These towbars will include a “handle tool maker” so that the wire (included) slides into the tool that marks the 90ยบ angle and the distance of the holes for the towbar handles. This towbar is not an invention, and as always, it is designed based on a real model using real dimensions.

The size of the 1/144 towbar is quite small, it has one of the smallest parts I ever printed, so doing this in 1/200 scale is going to be challenging. Usually, things are pretty much compatible between 1/72 and 1/144, these days I prefer to design in 1/72 so then detailing on the 1/144 is up to the printing capabilities, though sometimes adjustments are necessary, however, planning for 1/200 does require a bit more work, but definitely there is going to be equality in products for each scale.

That is all for this update, tomorrow I will be sharing a couple new items that I also expect to release on the 30th.
Best wishes,