Hello everyone,
As I am progressing forward with the current projects, I wanted to share the progress that has been done as well as the second batch status of the B787.
I am mainly working on three separate fronts, the new GSE models in 1/72, 1/144 and 1/200 scales, the new items to be released later this month like the B737NG winglets/scimitars, and the stock of the second batch for the B787 full set.
The two new GSE models I am working on are the pushback truck AST-1 F 600 and the Mallaghan catering truck with the Volvo FL electric cab/chassis.
Although production will still take me a bit (as I am working on the three scales at the same time) I decided to add some of the previous models in a single page at the shop since I can still produce them, you can check them out by clicking here.
Currently working with the catering truck in 1/72 scale:
Side to side, 1/72 and 1/144 scale versions:
I expect the release of the second batch of the B787 full set within two weeks tops if not earlier. The packaging material is on the way and 95% of the parts have already been packaged. A new update will be published in the next few days with the restock dates. Once the shipping material arrives, I am also going to be contacting first batch customers regarding the shipment of the new fuselages.
Working with GSE models in three different scales is not easy, it is not like upscaling/downscaling, often times parts need to be adjusted and this takes a bit of time. Making the example models is mandatory to be certain everything fits as it should and also to provide the modeler a clear view on the finished results that can be obtained.
Last but not least, I wanted to publish a new gallery of a model build by my friend Marco from Germany, who built the 1/144 Sherpa model, you can check his model here:
Take good care everyone, I will be back soon with another update.
Best wishes,