Hello everyone,
Today I am bringing an update that I wished so much to write for the past couple years.
It brings me a lot of fulfillment to see the first packaging of the B787 set, it has been countless hours during the past two years and so many obstacles that I had to overcome, lots of experiences and all is finally inside its (also self made) packaging box.
I am half the way done with the fuselage sections, so I am going to give a release date once I am half the way through the packaging. I keep in mind the work that I am also going to put on the store, since I am going to be adding a new menu as well as update the product photos and restructure categories.
I have been able to “port” the new chocks and cones from 1/72 to 1/144 scale. I also have successfully printed the original 1/144 figures in 1/200 scale.
I hope that the following photos can give you an overall view of what will be included in the “full set”, though bear in mind that this is a customizable product, meaning that starting off the “basic set” you can add modules as you like.
On the other hand, I still have to take the promotional photos of the stand alone versions of the 787 items, that is; the cockpit + L1/R1 galley, the L4/R4 galley and FWD/AFT cargo holds to be used directly on the original kit’s fuselages, though these stand alone versions still include the fuselage section with the opening of the doors and the detail on the frames.

The packaging is done so that every module is in a separate bag to keep everything organized. Full instructions are also included.

The 1/200 figures are really very small, but in the end they were made. This shows me that I will be able to release things in the three main scales (1/72, 1/144 and 1/200).

In the meantime, I am still working on my B787-9 build, I am still stuck on the painting stage and half the way with part 7 of the video series. I hope to do some more progress and paint the livery finally next week.
I will be sharing another update once there is progress on my build, and give then a release date for the upcoming 787 items.
Best wishes,