Hello everyone,
I am sharing another update today with the progress on my example model for the B787 interior sets.
It seems like little has been done, but there has been a lot done, the initial units of the cargo holds are nearly completion pending cleaning/packaging.
All the extra bits like the nose radome and tail cone are also done, basically only two remaining elements are pending to make for the intial stock and those are; the transparent doors and the fuselage sections.
Little by little I am gathering all the elements to complete my example model, this is very important for me to better represent the hard work done all this long time and also to make sure everything works properly.

There has been a lot of progress too on other elements related to GSE items (new revised versions), the new catering model is completed and there will be some new things to share in my next update about the 1/72 scale.
I am preparing the transparent cabins of the various trucks, so for the next update expect to see some GSE stuff as well as something in 1/72 for the B737NG. I am going by stages so the 1/200 will also be worked on, however, the 1/200 presents a bigger challenge than the other scales.
From the photos in this update, keep in mind the size of these elements, there are lots of small things that had to be painted and this takes some time, I am not rushing things because I want to do this right on the first go. A couple things to mention about the B787 is that I added an extra small LED at the front wall (FWD hold) and rear wall (AFT hold) in order to have a more sparse lighting, however, even though I will add LED options for these sets, it is the modeler who will ultimately decide how many and where to put them, so this is something left in a way to the modeler’s taste.
I am also working on a couple videos for the process on the B787 which I shall upload during the next days, in these videos I will cover the work presented here and will also share how I added the additional LED.
That is all for now, my next update will be more related to the GSE items and to the 1/72 scale while I will keep on working on the B787 as well.
Best wishes,