Hello everyone,
In this update I will comment on the status of the current projects as well as the upcoming releases.
First of all, I want to share with you my new Instagram account. My objective is to provide more frequent updates on the current projects as well as to spread my work further.
You can follow my account by searching on your Instagram app the account name: rocastmodels.
On the current subjects:
B747-8F/-400F: I have managed to solve the bluish tint issue I was having when casting the clear cockpit, however this has helped me understand a few things that need fixing that I couldn’t see before. I am currently working on it, I have a solution planned so I need to test it. The project is on pause until I can manage to obtain the desired result. Once I can solve this, I will be able to move the project forward. You need to solve an issue at a time before going to the next step.
B787-8/-9 galleys: As I am testing the door frames, I have decided to modify them for better positioning. The challenge is that both door thresholds at each side need to match the galley floor level, this can be quite tricky if the frame is not placed properly and exactly as the opposite side, so I decided to extend the door frame to the half of the fuselage so that the center can be used as reference thus the door threshold can remain the same on both sides no matter if the cut at the door threshold is not precise.
Here is the old vs the new method I am about to try:
Old version:

The new version I need to test:

You can see that from the first version, a cut within the fuselage had to be done, having only the door threshold as a reference with a mask provided in the kit. However, the second version gives a better reference using the center line which is the middle of the fuselage, this way it doesn’t matter if the cut at the door threshold is not very precise, in fact, even if it is taller, it can later be filled with putty. As long as the top matches the fuselage half, the door threshold will remain at the correct height.
It may sound confusing, but I am working on recording some videos about this to help in the process.
I also wanted to share the new remodel of the JST-25, it took me a while to make a finished version and it took me even longer to complete production as I had to solve yet again some issues along the way. The main reason for this remodel was a series of new photos that I found that allowed me to make a better cabin, learning from the experience of making the modular cabin for the Sherpa D.

As I am in the middle of changing product thumbnails and images for the various products at the store, I will also start to add images in each product with primed parts. You can only see the micro detail when the parts are primed, since the resin has a bit of translucency that makes it hard to photograph the small details.
A lot of work is involved once a product is designed, not only the first prototype needs to be tested, but also a production test needs to be done to check things like; how many parts come out right, how many failed, in which case, how to solve the failing rate, making the part slightly thicker? Making the base supports thicker? It is tricky, but I am glad to say that all the new items; the two new sets of figures, the Sherpa D and the new JST-25 tractors have gone through the process and are ready to be available on June 1st. Some other items will also be restocked then.

Designing instructions is another step that requires a lot of time, this is something I tried to improve since I started, hopefully the instructions are well detailed to guide you throughout the building process.
That is all for now, I am not starting any other project until I can move things forward with the 747 and 787 projects. I need to put some order at the workplace and prepare things for the upcoming releases/restock. I also keep in mind the 1/12 B737 cabin and the 1/200 GSE models, but for now this is all I can handle, I need to move forward with those advanced projects in order to keep track of what I am doing.
Please, don’t forget to follow my account on Instagram (rocastmodels) as I plan to “slice” the blog posts and share more frequently. Also from now, forgive me for any mistakes I may make over Instagram, I am new at social media to be honest, and I can’t even feel right writing “follow me”, but just write “follow my account”.
Hope to give another update soon, take care everyone.
Best wishes,