Hello everyone,
We are reaching the end of the year and this will probably be my penultimate, if not the last (depending on how things go) update for 2022.
What am I dealing with currently?
Thanks to your support, I have been able to purchase a new printer which will be of incredible help for projects such as the B747-8F/-400F and the 1/12 B737 cockpit. Not only I can print larger, but also maintaining a great detail in the parts.
It has been quite a stressing time, because when you need to adapt to new things and try to understand new things, is not always easy, it just takes time, for instance, I had to completely remodel the way I clean my prints due the larger plate of the new printer not fitting in my cleaning tanks.
For this reason, I haven’t been able to progress yet on the 1/200 GSE models, as I planned to print them with the new printer. However, the first initial tests were good and I want to also make the F210 together with the F110, so I expect to have the first units soon to get to work with them, since as you know, these 1/200 GSE will be sold finished.
I can understand now how others may keep a good amount of stock on their products, the new printer has 3 times more area than the printers I use, therefore the advantage of this new unit is incredible. However, not to diminish the other units at all, they still print flawless.
At the moment I am also dealing with other things and projects that I agreed on long ago, so time has to be divided.
There is going to be progressive restock at the store, next week, on Friday 23rd I am going to have units of the 1/144 Commander FMC15i and the 1/144 Mallaghan CT6000, then, on the week of the 26th I will be working with more units of the 1/144 F396 towbar pushback to have them ready on the 30th. These dates are indicative, it is what I have in my schedule, hoping that nothing will make it change.
The last entry of the year which I expect to write in a week or two, I am saving it to share with you some pictures of the first printed parts of the B747-8F/-400F, but at the moment, I am sharing the work done with the entry door:

I also have been making electrical diagrams in my head, thinking about the LED’s, their resistors and the connection to the optic fiber wires. My plan is to provide this ready to assembly, no soldering needed.
At the moment, things to finish for this cargo project I can count them with only one hand, so it means that it is steadily coming to an end, at least for the designing stage.
I want to share with you the first parts of this project soon, I just hope for my energies not to drop these days as I am not very fond of these times, but as they say, the show must go on.
Best wishes,