Hello everyone,
A few days before the restock/release of the different items, I am writing this quick update to mention that I finally found the origin of the issues with my printers and also to update the friends gallery with the work of two amazing modelers.
As you may have read from the previous entry, I started having issues with one of my printers and therefore, continuing the work with just one, a few days after the update was written, the second printer also started to give me failed results.
After a lot of testing and getting good results with another type of resin, a problem with the printer itself was discarded and the gradual dropping of temperatures and something that I suspect has changed in the resin I always use, were thought to be the causes of the issues during printing.
I am currently working on a modification to the printers, which I started to plan last year. I will add a device to them to work at hotter and more constant temperatures, and regarding the resin, I will be doing further tests as well as changing brands to obtain a better final decision.
As a note, print quality and detail can vary depending on the temperature and settings per layer. There can be a difference in quality within 0.5 seconds in the setup, that little amount of a time can represent a total fail in the result, or a more crisp print if the temperature is adequate.
As the temperature drops, I can “bump up” the exposure time and get away with the parts being done with less quality, but that is by no means my objective. This is the reason why I currently had to stop printing until the modification to the printers is finally applied and tested, which is already stated by many other users with similar issues, that it works wonders.
With that being said, most of the items will be restocked with all the parts I was able to make before this change in the temperatures, a few like the passenger figures will not be available just yet because of this issue, but as I said, I am currently working on it and will resume production soon.
The webshop will be updated with the new stock and new items on Friday 11th.
I also wanted to share with you two new galleries from two amazing modelers, my friend Claude from Canada, and my friend Gustavo from Argentina.
Click on each image to go to their respective model galleries:
Claude’s gallery:

Gustavo’s gallery:

That is all for now, work still continues, not only I had issues with the printers, but also my cutting machine blade tip broke off. It is a tool I use a lot to prepare the model’s packaging, so now that I finally replaced it, work continues at full throttle.
Also, the improvements on the 1/72 Schopf F59 continue, as I realized the acetate sheets that were to be used had some imperfections, other type is now on the way and with that, the packaging of this model will be fully completed and ready for its release on Friday 11th.
Take good care everyone.
Best wishes,