Hello everybody,
It has been a few weeks of quite a lot of stress around here, having to prepare so many things, I have learned that those things that may seem easy, often times are not.
Upon finishing the production of the parts I did realize that the F210 did not have the door lines engraved on the cabin, similar thing for the right door on the F110, so I had to remake those as well as remake the bodies since I was having some more issues producing them, I learned the lesson that it is not the same to make one or two for initial tests and preview, than make more at the same time.
Here are the three little guys finished:

On top of that, I decided to rework the online store a little bit, trying to make the thumbnail images bigger was a nightmare to do, something so simple as make an image bigger, isn’t it? But the thing is, there is a lot of coding behindit. It is just not making the image bigger in the photo software, and I could not spend days with it, thus decided to purchase a module that could help me deal with some visual and practical aspects of the shop in a quicker and easier way.
I did have to spend some time with the coding to make new changes such as the header background color and a few other things.
The online store is not yet 100% completed, I will be reworking the front page and side column tonight, so that everything is ready for the release of the pushback trucks, towbars and catering trucks tomorrow.
I usually upload the new products right away, but this time I will try to upload their product pages ahead (during the evening/night) so that you can take a look at the product page as well as activate the email notifications if you wish for each product. The initial units are going to be quite limited as I did not have time for more.
I am aware that some other GSE models run out of stock recently so I will be making units of these upon the new items are uploaded.

The Schopf F110:

The schopf F59:

And the Schopf F210:

As I did with the catering truck, I also took the chance to record the building process of those pushback trucks, which were built at the same time. I will be editing the video very soon.
That is all for now, I must continue with work so that everything can be ready for tomorrow.
Take good care everybody.
Best wishes,