There has been progress in the current projects that I would like to share with you today.
The 1/144 catering truck manufacturing process is finally completed, the first units are being produced and simultaneously I am doing a full build while video recording it for your reference on how I build this model.
Process is going well, thus I expect to have the promotional model finished this weekend and will be able to share it then, the video will follow next week as there are many clips that need to be joined together.
I am glad to say that there has been major progress on the 1/12 B737 cabin. I am finishing the sidewalls and recently finished a section that, as I thought, was one of the most difficult to replicate, the glareshield/glarewings.
I am working on these three sections which will conform to the basic structure; the two sidewalls and the main panel/glareshield.
Whilst creating the glareshield, I had to carefully ponder the building method, thus I think that for ease of assembly, the main panel and glareshield will be one piece, however, the main panel details and subpanels will be assembled on top of the “dummy” main panel base.
The glareshield has a limitation, so I am also working on the nose shell which won’t be fully completed (as this would take a lot of material), but for a better finish, a section will be represented.
This will definitely be a project to be completed throughout the 2022 if situation and life permits.
Once the main shape of the cabin is completed, I will continue working on the throttle quadrant, radio panel, FMC, seats etc.
There are no photos yet, as I have to still produce these parts in resin and rework them in certain areas as needed.
The B787-9 cargo holds are progressing very well, the FWD cargo hold is nearly completed and work has begun with the AFT section. The cargo doors have been created as well as their hinges. The ceiling has been made and I will need to make the latches that will go right at the door edge of the fuselage. The catering truck has taken up a lot of time, thus the cargo holds project slowed down a bit, but I expect to progress as the first catering units are being made.
Lastly, there has been a new member in our GSE family, it is the first time I make a towbar model, and it won’t be the last one. Further Schopf and Komatsu models will be made.
Here is a preview of the assembled model (pending the windshields to make).

This F110 towbar includes several details such as: four chocks, a fire extinguisher, cones (inside the cabin) driving mirrors and a driver figure (the set will also contain decals).

A towbar was also made according to its manufacturer specifications and drawings, thus it has its fidelity to scale, the hook was slightly enlarged for ease on joining with the towbar tractor.
The F110 kit includes a pin, which you can use to “lock” the towbar, allowing for it to be in place but at the same time, allowing it to rotate, just like the real 1/1 towbar.
This was also made this way, because this specific towbar is used only on most widebodies; the B777, B787, B767, A330, A340, A350, MD11 and DC10. Other towbars are being created for the A318, A319, A320 and A321 (which is a bit longer towbar) and others will probably me made as well for the B747 and A380, so with the pin, you will be able to interchange and “lock” different types of towbars.

I do not want details to end here, so I also plan to make figures for the towbar and pushback operations.
As there is a lot going on with the production of the 1/144 catering truck, the work/production of the B787-9 cargo holds and the work with the 1/12 B737 cabin, this F110 towbar tractor will be released at a later time, most probably at the end of November.
I usually like to release items at the same time to save you on shipping costs, but releasing the catering truck and the B787-9 cargo holds simultaneously will take all the time I currently have, thus I will need a different release date for the F110 and the towbars (as well as the pushback figures).
That is all for now, I hope everybody is doing well, here things are quite difficult at times, fortunately work helps me to cope with some situations.
Best wishes,