Hello everyone,
Work is getting closer to completion but there are still tasks remaining to do. I am currently half the way on the photoetched. It has been a bit difficult to find a good rhythm and solve some small issues.
I am also working on other areas that needed to be finished; the B787 rear galley instructions/decals (finished), the cargo loader figures (finished), the 1/144 container transporter (finished), the B787 cockpit and galley crew (half the way done) and the Envirotainer container (done but tests needed).
Without any further ado, I would like to share with you some photos of these new items.

Some photos with stuff gathered together, please note that this is not a definitive diorama or something like that, it was done to see how it would look like when things are together.
I am also working on the video for the cargo loader and the transporter which I hope to finish processing soon.
That is all for now, I am getting closer and closer to completion, I want to make sure that everything will be 100% ready and I am taking my time to do things as best as possible.
Wish you all a nice week!