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Sabena, Aviation pioneers for 70 years

Hi guys,

I know that this entry is not related to the GSE models, stock units or projects, but I just had to publish it, had to share it…

A very good friend of mine has gifted me with her Sabena book, which is something very special that I will treasure for the rest of my days.
I can’t say enough how special this book is for me, it is a book that helps me understand a (big) part of the aviation history, it helps me to understand the beginnings and the different aircrafts  such as the Savoia Marchetti SM75, the Junkers, the DC2, the pionners in civil transportation that I was unaware of since I was just focused in nowadays widebodies, the book reminds me how the beginnings were in aviation.

Not only it teaches the history of Sabena, but it also explains how the airline had to survive through the world war which is something that I never read before, what the strategies were, etc.
Nedless to say that this book also inspires me to improve my work, with lots of fantastic photos and information, felt grown fan of Sabena I suppose, an airline that I never had the chance to see, it is now possible for me to go back on time and learn a little bit more about it.

I am sure that my friends from Belgium in particular will understand how special this book is, seeing the beautiful liveries that we call now “retro”, after seeing todays “Euro whites”,  I appreciate more these “old” schemes, but I suppose time changes and so do the airlines… but it is thanks to this book were one can learn from the past and grow to appreciate what we missed.

I want to give a huge thanks to my friend Olga for this magnificent book. I am fortunate that I have been able to open my eyes and see more than nowadays jets, for both culture and appreciation of the pionners in the civil aviation.

In the meanwhile, work continues preparing stuff.
Best wishes,