747-8F / 747-400F – Working with the deck (4)

Hello all,

This weekend I have been able to advance a little bit more with the deck of the 747 cargo project.
There is still a lot to include on the cargo deck, I am advancing from the front to the rear and I am now reaching the side cargo door platform which will have some different details than the ones repeated on the long deck.
So far I am using small stripes of plastic, but I will add more detail to them as they are now just flat. There is still some progress to do on this cargo deck, but the fuselage is ready to hold it on the inside, once the deck is finished, I will work on the interior panels.
I am not forgetting the cargo holds which I would also like to represent. On my next update I wish to have added the side cargo door platform and some more small parts.


Finally I have the materials needed to thoroughly continue with more decal print tests, there is going to be a lot of work to adapt the artworks made so far in order to be printed with my current tools, I am also planning to make a quick out of box build in order to test these decals and give a proper review. I have found nothing but rocks on my way to be able to print decals, but now I am able to do these tests that are a must, so from this point onwards I will be working on the artworks and with hopes to continue designing new ones soon.

Best wishes,